Membership FAQs
What are the annual club dues?
Palomar Model “A” Club Dues are $20 per year. Membership in MAFCA & MARC is recommended, and their annual dues are each $50, which includes the MAFCA “Restorer” and MARC “Model A News” magazines.
When are club meetings?
Regular monthly meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month at the PALOMAR ESTATES EAST CLUB HOUSE, 650 S. RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, SAN MARCOS. Whether you have a Model A or merely a love of Model A’s, you are invited to attend and join.
Do I need a Model A to be a member??
No! Whether you have a Model A or merely a love of Model A’s, you are welcome to join our club!
How do I join?
Complete our online or print application by clicking the buttons below. Once you have completed the application, write a check made payable to Palomar A’s for $20 and bring it to the next meeting or mail it to: Palomar A's Model A Ford Club Membership Chair David Frazee 2558 Canyon Rd. Escondido Ca. 92025.
Why Join The A’s?
Meet With Your Fellow Model A Enthusiasts Every Month!
Whether you have a Model A, or merely a love of Model A’s, you are invited to attend and join.
Regular meetings are held at 7 PM on the first Wednesday of each month at the Palomar Estates East Club House located at 650 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Marcos
We Drive Our Model A’s Every Chance We Get!
In addition to our monthly club meetings, we get together regularly to do other fun stuff, including:
One-Day Short Tours
Overnight Tours Most Months
One or More Long Tours Every Year (1-2 weeks)
Interesting, Constructive, Fun Monthly Meetings, Potlucks, BBQs, Ice-Cream Socials During the Summertime
Learn From & Connect With People Who Share Your Interests!
You’ve never met anyone who love talking about and working on Ford Model A’s as much as we do!
Come talk shop with us!